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Importance Of On-Page SEO or On-Page Optimization

On-Page SEO defines how Search Engines will view and list your website. Search Engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc gives a lot of importance to On-Page SEO. In Search Engine Optimization, On-Page SEO refers to factors that have an important effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results. On-Page Optimization basically include actual HTML code, keyword placement meta tags and keyword density. These terms plays a very vital role for appearing your website in top listing , If your On Page Optimization or On Page SEO is not better, then your all the SEO strategies and other works results none and you will not get good ranking in Search Engine.


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Understanding The On-Page SEO
On-Page SEO is very important and integral part of SEO ,On-Page Optimization mainly include

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • SEO-Friendly Permalink URLs
  • Images ALT Tag 
  • Heading Tags
  • Keyword Density
  • Content Length and Quality
  • Internal Linking

Ok so lets discuss these important factors of On-Page SEO one by one.

Title Tag ::

The Title Tag of your post or page plays a very important role in On-Page SEO. It should be keyword rich means you should put your keywords into the Title Tag related to your content. Title tags should be unique for every page of your website and always try to avoid duplicate Title Tags. Keep your post title tags at 66 characters or lesser in length, including spaces. In search results, search engines will highlight your keyword phrases if a user has searched for those terms. This increases visibility and click-through rate.


Meta Description ::

Well Meta Description Tags covers those content that you want to show your visitors in search results means we can say that it's a relevant information about your content or post that is provided by you to attract the users or visitors. It comes in search results below the title of your post. An effective description of your post or page can increase the click through rate of your particular post or page of your website. You can put keywords in description as well but it comes under the Black Hat SEO process and somtime causes bad results for your blog or website because Google says that make your Description for your visitors not for robots.


SEO Friendly Permalink URLs ::

Make sure that your Permalink URLs should be SEO friendly, short and keyword rich. You should always put some effective keywords into permalink urls. Avoid ugly URLs, like or long URLs like: Make sure that your first three to four words of permalink url contains some effective keywords related your content becuase Google has stated that the first 3-5 words in a URL are given more weight. That is why I recommend you to always make your post Permalink URLs SEO friendly.

Image ALT Tag ::

Image ALT tag is basically an alternative description for an image. All images should use appropriate alt tags and Make sure the file name includes your target keyword (for example, on-page-SEO.jpg) and that you include your target keyword in the image Alt Text. Use dashes between the words, rather than underscores (on-page-SEO.jpg rather than on_page_SEO.jpg). 

Heading Tags ::

Heading Tags plays a very important role in On-Page SEO. Add H1 to the title of your Post, Most CMS’s (like WordPress) automatically add the H1 tag to your post title. H1 tag will be considered most important and given a slightly higher rank than other content on the page by the Search Engines. So that is why I recommend you to check your site’s code to make sure your title gets the H1 heder tag. You can use H2 tags if there are multiple sections as I have used in this post.

Keyword Density ::

Keyword Density plays a very important role in On-Page SEO. I always recommend that the keyword density must be between 2-4% , it means if you are writing a 500 words post your keyword numbering must not above 10-15 repetitions.

Content Length and Quality ::

Always remember that CONTENT IS THE KING of your post. Try to wirte some useful and effective content that other want to share this will surely help you get good rank in SEO. Make sure your post should contains all the important points that are essential for that particular topic. Try to provide information as much as possible but remember that your post should not be boring due its long length, I hope you re getting my point. 

Internal Linking ::

If you want to see a great example of how to internal link on your site, check out WikipediaInternal linking basically refers to a link on a page of your or website that points to another page on the same website or blog. I recommend you to a simpler approach: link atleast 3 to 5 of your older posts whenever you publish a new one. This will decrease the Bounce Rate of your Blog or Website. 


From the Editor’s Desk
So friends these are some basic factors related to On-Page SEO, hope you like this post. If you face any problem regarding this feel free to ask me via comments. And if you found this article is informative then don't forget to share it.

Thankyou for giving your time.
Importance Of On-Page SEO or On-Page Optimization Reviewed by Team tt24 on 10:22 AM Rating: 5

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