How to Add Google Custom Search Box to your Blog or Website ?
Google provides a superb service of adding Custom Search Engine to any blog or website. Search Box helps your visitors in finding the content of their interest without moving away from your blog. Although blogger template provide search box with limited ability to search queries, which is not efficient for users to provide useful results. Adding CSE to you blog or website provide better results and fantastic user experience as well. It helps in increasing the number of impression or pageviews of your blog or website and traffic as well. So today in this post I am sharing a step by step process to add the Custom Search Engine to you blog or webite.
Steps to Add Google Custom Search Engine to your Blog or Website ::
1. Goto Google CSE2. Click on Create a custom search engine button
3. Now fill the form details and click on Create button
4. Your Custom Search Engine is created. Click on Control Panel
5. Now enter details of your blog or website like Search Engine Name and Description.
6. If you have adsense acc. then clikc on make money and provide adsense acc details.
7. You can customize search engine by clicking on the Look and Feel.
8. When you satisfy with you look of search engine click on Save & Get code to generate the code and then copy that code to clip board.
9. Adding this to your blog
- Goto your Blogger Account > Layout > Add Widget > HTML/Java Script
- Paste the code.
10. Click on the Save button.
Congratulations now you have done with addong Custome Search Engine to your Blog or Website.
From the Editor’s Desk
Although these steps are very clear but still you are facing any problem to create Custom Search Engine then you can ask me via comments. I you like this post then don't forget to share it and if you successfully created your Custom Search Engine then don't for get to say thanx in comments.. ;-)
Thank you for giving your time..Keep Blogging.
How to Add Google Custom Search Box to your Blog or Website ?
Reviewed by Team tt24
1:06 AM
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